As I was poking around the Packagist website this morning I found that Stash has reached 40k downloads through composer! What's really exciting is that 2,135 of those downloads were just in the last 10 days.
This is an exciting milestone for me. Stash has been in active development since 2009, but was only moved to Github 2 years ago- around the time that it was made available through Packagist. Since then the community has rallied behind it- with 23 different contributors, a fork supporting PHP 5.2, bundles for popular frameworks like Symfony (thanks Josh!), and adoption of projects like EZPublish, the growth of this project has been phenomenal.
Thanks to all of the community for their help in developing Stash! I'm looking forward to my next update on Stash, where I'll talk a bit more about what makes it such a great caching library.