I've been developing open source software for over twenty years, primarily working on libraries and infrastructure projects. Recently I've branched out, developing not only libraries but also open source services such as GitConsensus.
I offer these services free of charge- most of my projects are open to everyone, with the Github Apps being limited to public repositories. None of the information from these apps is sold to anyone, they don't have any ads, and their analytics are hosted on a privacy focused provider. This is the rare case where the saying "if a service is free, you are the product" doesn't actually apply. Instead I pay out of pocket to host the services and give them out to the community.
Over the last two years these services have gotten more popular, which in turn has required more and more infrastructure to keep them going. Admittedly this doesn't take ton of money to do (these services are pretty efficient) but the cost has been creeping up over time. I also have two new applications still under development that will require hosting.
That's why I'm looking for help covering the hosting and development costs. With the initial sponsors I will update my servers to better support the increase load, and if I'm lucky enough to get more beyond that it'll be used to do things like purchase art assets for the projects.
So please consider sponsoring me on Github- you can read more about my individual projects on my sponsorship profile. As an added bonus Github is matching donations for the rest of the year, so your sponsorship will go even further over these next few months.
Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the open source projects I've worked on!